Sunday, February 22, 2015

Out with old and irrelevant and IN with the new (House cleaning)

Dear friends,

It is customary to do spring-cleaning as another year comes to an end.

Hence I have had a belated look at my blog-roll and was “astounded” ( to quote Minister Khaw Boon Wan) that some of the blogs linked via my blog here are dormant ( or even deleted).

This is as good a time as any to remove the old and add the new.

If there are any noteworthy blogs that I should include, pray do let me know ( and maybe let me know why you feel that way)…

BLOGS TO BE REMOVED: ( no longer in cyberspace) ( no longer in cyberspace but Andrew Loh is around in TOC) (gone private- by invitation only) (shut down due to MDA trouble but morphed into which I will add) ( dormant since 2013). Cherian George is now Professor in Hong Kong after Singapore’s own university refused to award him tenure for his academic post at NTU. This is ironic as Singapore was “crying father & crying mother” about how few Singaporean academics there are in our universities blah blah blah… (dormant since 2013) (dormant since july 2014) (dormant since 2013) I really miss Lucky Tan’s incisive comments and thoughts about Singapore. (dormant since 2013)

BLOGS ON "WATCH-LIST TO BE REMOVED" (dormant since 2012) (website is down but NSP just elected a new CEC so akan dating)

NEW BLOGS TO BE ADDED: (SingaporeansFirst Party) (Henson’s blog after she shut down Breakfast Network due to MDA trouble) (Taxi driver: on how Singaporeans really feel) (Anti-PAP slant) (Anti-PAP slant) (Sg digital news) (Sg digital news)

Cheers everyone and Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Huat Ah!

Dr Huang Shoou Chyuan


patriot said...

Dear Good Doctor Huang;

Could You kindly consider adding My Singapore News, Singapore Notes, Singapore Recalcitrant and The Real Singapore? As their Names reflect, they are All about Singapore and this is where the Wellbeings of Singapore and Singaporeans are much discussed and debated.

It is just a personal wish that the Above can be added they are blogsites that have existed and well maintain by their respective owners and good supports from readers and commenters. However, it is your prerogative to decide.

Yours truly


nofearSingapore said...

Hi patriot
You would be pleased to know that all the 4 blogs you recommended are already on the blog roll( TRS - newly added and the other 3 were originally already there). This is obvious only when viewed in the web version. Cheers
Dr Huang

patriot said...

Good Morning Dr Huang and All.

Good to know that they are linked to Your Blog.
As I have been using the Mobile Phone for Internet in the Last Few Years, have not got to read the Side Bars due to screen size.

It is heartening that You and many other righteous folks are persevering in the championing of wellbeings for the People.

Kudos and salute to all of You.


Anonymous said...

Hello Sir,
Any idea how to get an invite to